«Детство» в социальных науках: новые смыслы и новые подходы
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Никитина-ден Бестен О. «Детство» в социальных науках: новые смыслы и новые подходы // Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация. 2009. Том 4. № 5. С. 7-39.
2008 год был объявлен в России Годом семьи, а 2007 год прошел как Год ребенка в Москве. Один лишь тот факт, что тогда именно будущий российский президент, Дмитрий Медведев, был назначен ответственным за проект «Год семьи», говорит о том, что в стране, пережившей бурные социально-экономическиe изменения, семья и детство вновь приобретают особо высокую символическую значимость. Среди множества прошедших «праздничных» мероприятий, а также «серьезных» мер, принятых в рамках Года семьи и освещенных СМИ, мера, которая наиболее ярко выделяется в общественом сознании — это значительное увеличение пособия по рождению ребенка. С точки зрения государства, эта мера направлена, прежде всего, на стимулирование рождаемости — и тем самым на улучшение демографической ситуации в России — и может быть критически оценена как погоня за цифрами, за количеством детей в стране — вполне вероятно, что в ущерб качеству, например, финансированию других социальных программ.
Ключевые слова:
год семьи, год ребенка, семья, детство,
Adler, P.A. & Adler, P. (1986). Introduction. In P.A. Adler & P. Adler (eds.), Sociological Studies of Child Development, vol.1: Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 3–10.
Aitken, S. (1998). Family Fantasies and Community Space. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Aitken, S. (2001). Geographies of Young People. London: Routledge.
Alanen, L. (1988). Rethinking Childhood. Acta Sociologica. 31, 1, 53–67.
Ambert, A.-M. (1986). Sociology of Sociology: The Place of Children in North American Sociology. In P.A. Adler & P. Adler (eds.), Sociological Studies of Child Development, vol.1: Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 11–31.
Ansell, N. (2008). Childhood and the Politics of Scale: Descaling Children’s Geographies? Progress in Human Geography, pp. 1–20.
Ariès, Ph. (1960). L’enfant et la vie familiale sous l’Ancien Régime. Paris.
Ariès, Ph. (1962). Centuries of Childhood. New York: Vintage Books.
Beck, U. (1989). Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Beck, U. and Beck-Gernsheim, E. (1995). The Normal Chaos of Love. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Buckingham, D. (2000). After the Death of Childhood: Growing Up in the Age of the Electronic Media. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Byrne, D. (1998). Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences. London: Routledge.
Cahill, C. and Hart, R.A. (2006). Pushing the Boundaries: Critical International Perspectives on Child and Youth Participation — series introduction. Children, Youth and Environments 16 (2), pp. i-iii.
Calvert, K. (2008). Vypryamlenniy rebyonok: Odezhdy dlya pelenania i stul’chiki dlia khod’by. [The Upright Child: Swaddling Clothes and Walking Stools.] Teoriya Mody: Odezhda, Telo, Kul’tura[Fashion Theory: Dress, Body, Culture], 8, pp. 61–90.
Chisholm, L., Buechner P., Krueger H.-H., Brown P. (Eds.) (1990). Childhood, Youth and Social Change: A Comparative Perspective. Falmer Press.
Christensen, P. and O’Brien, M. (Eds.) (2003). Children in the City: Home, Neighbourhood and Community. London, NY: Routledge.
Cunningham, H. and Viazzo, P.P. (1996) Child Labour in Historical Perspective 1800–1995. Florence: UNISEF.
Delphy, C. (1984). Close to Home: A Materialist Analysis of Women’s Oppression. London: Hutchinson.
Delphy, C. and Leonard, D. (1986). Class Analysis, Gender Analysis and the Family. In: Grompton, R. and Mann, M. (Eds). Gender and Stratification. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Delphy, C. and Leonard, D. (1990). Women and the Family. London: Tavistock. den Besten, O., Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2008). Pupil Involvement in School (Re)design: Participation in Policy and Practice. CoDesign, 4:4, 197–210. Available on-line at: http://ssrn.
Dreitzel, H.P. (ed.) (1973). Childhood and Socialization. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Drummond, L. (2007). Hanoi 5000 Hoan Kiem Lakes: Using Art to Involve Young People in Urban Futures. Children’s Geographies, Vol.5, No.4, pp. 479–488.
du Bois-Raymond, M., Sunker, H. and Krueger, H. (Eds.) (2001). Childhood in Europe: Approaches — Trends — Findings, New York: Peter Lang.
Elkind, D. (1981). The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast, Too Soon, Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.
Ennew, J. (1986). The Sexual Exploitation of Children. London: Polity Press.
Eve, R.A., Horsfall, S. and Lee, M.E. (Eds.) (1997). Chaos, Complexity and Sociology: Myths, Models and Theories. London: Sage.
Gallagher, M. (2008). ‘Power is Not an Evil’: Rethinking Power in Participatory Methods. Children’s Geographies, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 137–150.
Giddens, A. (1990). The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and Self Identity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Giddens, A. (1999). The Runaway World. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Goralik, L. (2008). Malen’kiy Prints i Bol’shie Ozhidaniya: ‘Novaya Zrelost’ v Sovremennom Zapadnom Obschestve [The Little Prince and Great Expectations: the ‘New Adulthood’ in Contemporary Western Society]. Teoriya Mody: Odezhda, Telo, Kul’tura [Fashion Theory: Dress, Body, Culture], 8, pp. 260–300.
Hart, R. (1992). Children’s Participation: From Tokenism to Participation. International Child Development Centre/UNICEF.
Hendrick, H. (1997). Children, Childhood and English Society 1880–1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Heywood, C. (2001). A History of Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Hopkins, P. and Pain, R. (2007). Georgraphies of Age: Thinking Relationally. Area. Vol. 39 No. 3, pp. 287–294.
Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2006). What else? Some More Ways of Thinking and Doing ‘Children’s Geographies’. Children’s Geographies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 69–95, April 2006.
James, A., Jenks, C. and Prout, A. (1998). Theorizing Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jamieson, L. (1998). Intimacy: Personal Relationships in Modern Societies. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jenks, C. (1982). The Sociology of Childhood. Essential Readings. London: Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd.
Katz, C. (2004). Growing Up Global: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Lives. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Kelly, C. (2007). Children’s World: Growing Up in Russia, 1890–1991. Yale University Press.
Kraftl, P. (2008). Young People, Hope, and Childhood-Hope. Space and Culture, 11, 81–92.
Kraftl, P. (under review) Events of hope and events of crisis: childhood, youth and hope in Britain. In: Leaman, J. and Woersching, M. (eds.) Youth in Contemporary Europe. London: Routledge.
Latour, B. (1993). We Have Never Been Modern. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester/Wheatsheaf.
Lavalette, M. (1994). Child Employment in the Capitalist Labour Market. Aldershot: Avebury.
Leonard, D. (1990). Persons in Their Own Right: Children and Sociology in the UK. In: Chisholm, L., Buechner P., Krueger H.-H., Brown P. (Eds.) (1990). Childhood, Youth and Social Change: A Comparative Perspective. Falmer Press. — P. 58–70.
Mac an Ghaill, M. and Haywood, Ch. (2007). Gender, Culture and Society. Contemporary Femininities and Masculinities. NY: Palgrave.
Matthews, H. (1992). Making Sense of Place: Children’s Understanding of Large-Scale Environments. Harvester-Wheatsheaf.
Matthews, H. (2001). Children and Community Regeneration: Creating Better Neighbourhoods. London: Save the Children.
Matthews, H. and Limb, M. (1999). Defining an Agenda for the Geography of Children, Progress in Human Geography, 23, 1, 1999, pp. 61–90.
Newman, M. and Thomas, P. (2008). Student participation in school design: one school’s approach to student engagement in the BSF process, CoDesign, 4:4, 237–251.
Nikitina, O., Rozhdestvenskaya, E. and Semenova, V. (2008). Frauenbiografien und Frauenerinnerungen an den Krieg [Women’s Biographies and Women’s Experiences of War]. In: A.von Plato, A.Leh, Ch. Thonfeld (Hg.) Hitlers Sklaven. Lebensgeschichtliche Analysen zur Zwangsarbeit im internationalen Vergleich. Wien, Köln, Weiwar: Böhlau. The English-language version of the chapter is available on-line at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1281444
Nikitina-den Besten, O. (2008). Cars, Dogs and Mean People: Environmental Fears and Dislikes of Children in Berlin and Paris. In: K.Adelhof, B.Glock, J.Lossau, M.Schultz (Eds.) Urban trends in Berlin and Amsterdam. Berliner Geographische Arbeiten, Heft 110. Berlin: Humboldt Universitaet, pp. 116–125. Available on-line at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1154559 Olwig, K.F. and Gulløv, E. (eds) (2003). Children’s Places: Cross Cultural Perspectives.
London: Routledge.
Postman, N. (1983). The Disappearance of Childhood. London: W.H. Allen.
Prigogine, I. (1980). From Being to Becoming. Freeman.
Prigogine, I. (1997). End of Certainty. The Free Press.
Prigogine, I. and Stengers, I. (1984). Order out of Chaos: Man’s new dialogue with nature. Flamingo.
Prout, A. (ed.) (2005). The Future of Childhood: Towards the Interdisciplinary Study of Children. London: Routledge Falmer.
Prout, A. and James, A. (eds) (1990). Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood. Basingstoke: Falmer Press.
Punch, S. (2002). ‘Research with Children: The Same or Different from Research with Adults?’
Childhood 9 (3), pp. 321–341.
Qvortrup, J. (2007) Editorial: A reminder. Childhood, 14, pp. 395–400.
Qvortrup, J. (ed.) (2005) Studies in Modern Childhood. Society, Agency, Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
Scraton, P. (Ed.) (1997) ‘Childhood’ in ‘Crisis’? London: UCL Press.
Smith, R. (2000). Order and Disorder: The Contradictions of Childhood. Children and Society. Volume 14, 3–10.
Solomon, Y., Warin, J., Lewis, C. and Langford, W. (2002). Intimate Talk Between Parents and Their Teenage Children: Democratic Openness or Covert Control? In Sociology, Vol. 36 (4),
pp. 965–983.
Speier, M. (1976). The Adult Ideological Viewpoint in Studies of Childhood. In A.Skolnick (ed.): Rethinking Childhood. Perspectives on Development and Society. Boston-Toronto: Little, Brown & Co.
Spenser, Ch. And Blades, M. (2005). Children and their Environments: Learning, Using and Designing Spaces. Cambridge University Press.
Stainton-Rogers, R. and Stainton-Rogers, W. (1992). Stories of Childhood: Shifting Agendas of Child Concern. London: Harvester/Wheatsheaf.
Steinberg, S. and Kincheloe, J. (1997) (eds) Kinderculture: The Corporate Construction of Childhood, Boulder, CO: Westview.
Thorne, B. (1987). Re-visioning Women and Social Change: Where Are the Children? Gender and Society 1 (1), pp. 85–109.
Tsoukala, K. (2001). L’image de la ville chez l’infant [Child’s representations of the city]. Paris: Anthropos.
Tsoukala, K. (2007). Les territoires urbains de l’infant [Child’s urban territories]. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Valentine G. (1996). Angels and Devils: Moral Landscapes of Childhood. Environment and Planning, D: Society and Space, 14, pp. 581–99.
Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. (1999). Cyberkids: Children’s Social Networks, ‘Virtual Communities’ and On-line Spaces. Children 5–16 Research Briefing, 2 October 1999, pp.1–4.
Vanderbeck, R. (2008). Reaching Critical Mass? Theory, Politics, and the Culture of Debate in Children’s Geographies. Area, Vol. 40 No.3, pp. 393–400.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1962). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Ward, C. (1977). The Child in the City. Architectural Press.
Williams, S. and Williams, L. (2005). Space Invaders: The Negotiation of Teenage Boundaries through the Mobile Phone. The Sociological Review, 53 (2), pp. 314–321.
Winn, M. (1984). Children without Childhood, Harmondworth: Penguin.
Wooley, H. (2006). Freedom of the City: Contemporary Issues and Policy Influences on Children and Young People’s Use of Public Open Space in England. Children’s Geographies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 69–95, April 2006.
Zelizer, V.A. (1994). Pricing the Priceless Child: The Changing Social Value of Children. Princeton University Press.
Aitken, S. (1998). Family Fantasies and Community Space. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Aitken, S. (2001). Geographies of Young People. London: Routledge.
Alanen, L. (1988). Rethinking Childhood. Acta Sociologica. 31, 1, 53–67.
Ambert, A.-M. (1986). Sociology of Sociology: The Place of Children in North American Sociology. In P.A. Adler & P. Adler (eds.), Sociological Studies of Child Development, vol.1: Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 11–31.
Ansell, N. (2008). Childhood and the Politics of Scale: Descaling Children’s Geographies? Progress in Human Geography, pp. 1–20.
Ariès, Ph. (1960). L’enfant et la vie familiale sous l’Ancien Régime. Paris.
Ariès, Ph. (1962). Centuries of Childhood. New York: Vintage Books.
Beck, U. (1989). Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Beck, U. and Beck-Gernsheim, E. (1995). The Normal Chaos of Love. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Buckingham, D. (2000). After the Death of Childhood: Growing Up in the Age of the Electronic Media. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Byrne, D. (1998). Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences. London: Routledge.
Cahill, C. and Hart, R.A. (2006). Pushing the Boundaries: Critical International Perspectives on Child and Youth Participation — series introduction. Children, Youth and Environments 16 (2), pp. i-iii.
Calvert, K. (2008). Vypryamlenniy rebyonok: Odezhdy dlya pelenania i stul’chiki dlia khod’by. [The Upright Child: Swaddling Clothes and Walking Stools.] Teoriya Mody: Odezhda, Telo, Kul’tura[Fashion Theory: Dress, Body, Culture], 8, pp. 61–90.
Chisholm, L., Buechner P., Krueger H.-H., Brown P. (Eds.) (1990). Childhood, Youth and Social Change: A Comparative Perspective. Falmer Press.
Christensen, P. and O’Brien, M. (Eds.) (2003). Children in the City: Home, Neighbourhood and Community. London, NY: Routledge.
Cunningham, H. and Viazzo, P.P. (1996) Child Labour in Historical Perspective 1800–1995. Florence: UNISEF.
Delphy, C. (1984). Close to Home: A Materialist Analysis of Women’s Oppression. London: Hutchinson.
Delphy, C. and Leonard, D. (1986). Class Analysis, Gender Analysis and the Family. In: Grompton, R. and Mann, M. (Eds). Gender and Stratification. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Delphy, C. and Leonard, D. (1990). Women and the Family. London: Tavistock. den Besten, O., Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2008). Pupil Involvement in School (Re)design: Participation in Policy and Practice. CoDesign, 4:4, 197–210. Available on-line at: http://ssrn.
Dreitzel, H.P. (ed.) (1973). Childhood and Socialization. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Drummond, L. (2007). Hanoi 5000 Hoan Kiem Lakes: Using Art to Involve Young People in Urban Futures. Children’s Geographies, Vol.5, No.4, pp. 479–488.
du Bois-Raymond, M., Sunker, H. and Krueger, H. (Eds.) (2001). Childhood in Europe: Approaches — Trends — Findings, New York: Peter Lang.
Elkind, D. (1981). The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast, Too Soon, Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.
Ennew, J. (1986). The Sexual Exploitation of Children. London: Polity Press.
Eve, R.A., Horsfall, S. and Lee, M.E. (Eds.) (1997). Chaos, Complexity and Sociology: Myths, Models and Theories. London: Sage.
Gallagher, M. (2008). ‘Power is Not an Evil’: Rethinking Power in Participatory Methods. Children’s Geographies, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 137–150.
Giddens, A. (1990). The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and Self Identity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Giddens, A. (1999). The Runaway World. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Goralik, L. (2008). Malen’kiy Prints i Bol’shie Ozhidaniya: ‘Novaya Zrelost’ v Sovremennom Zapadnom Obschestve [The Little Prince and Great Expectations: the ‘New Adulthood’ in Contemporary Western Society]. Teoriya Mody: Odezhda, Telo, Kul’tura [Fashion Theory: Dress, Body, Culture], 8, pp. 260–300.
Hart, R. (1992). Children’s Participation: From Tokenism to Participation. International Child Development Centre/UNICEF.
Hendrick, H. (1997). Children, Childhood and English Society 1880–1990. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Heywood, C. (2001). A History of Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Hopkins, P. and Pain, R. (2007). Georgraphies of Age: Thinking Relationally. Area. Vol. 39 No. 3, pp. 287–294.
Horton, J. and Kraftl, P. (2006). What else? Some More Ways of Thinking and Doing ‘Children’s Geographies’. Children’s Geographies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 69–95, April 2006.
James, A., Jenks, C. and Prout, A. (1998). Theorizing Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jamieson, L. (1998). Intimacy: Personal Relationships in Modern Societies. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jenks, C. (1982). The Sociology of Childhood. Essential Readings. London: Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd.
Katz, C. (2004). Growing Up Global: Economic Restructuring and Children’s Everyday Lives. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Kelly, C. (2007). Children’s World: Growing Up in Russia, 1890–1991. Yale University Press.
Kraftl, P. (2008). Young People, Hope, and Childhood-Hope. Space and Culture, 11, 81–92.
Kraftl, P. (under review) Events of hope and events of crisis: childhood, youth and hope in Britain. In: Leaman, J. and Woersching, M. (eds.) Youth in Contemporary Europe. London: Routledge.
Latour, B. (1993). We Have Never Been Modern. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester/Wheatsheaf.
Lavalette, M. (1994). Child Employment in the Capitalist Labour Market. Aldershot: Avebury.
Leonard, D. (1990). Persons in Their Own Right: Children and Sociology in the UK. In: Chisholm, L., Buechner P., Krueger H.-H., Brown P. (Eds.) (1990). Childhood, Youth and Social Change: A Comparative Perspective. Falmer Press. — P. 58–70.
Mac an Ghaill, M. and Haywood, Ch. (2007). Gender, Culture and Society. Contemporary Femininities and Masculinities. NY: Palgrave.
Matthews, H. (1992). Making Sense of Place: Children’s Understanding of Large-Scale Environments. Harvester-Wheatsheaf.
Matthews, H. (2001). Children and Community Regeneration: Creating Better Neighbourhoods. London: Save the Children.
Matthews, H. and Limb, M. (1999). Defining an Agenda for the Geography of Children, Progress in Human Geography, 23, 1, 1999, pp. 61–90.
Newman, M. and Thomas, P. (2008). Student participation in school design: one school’s approach to student engagement in the BSF process, CoDesign, 4:4, 237–251.
Nikitina, O., Rozhdestvenskaya, E. and Semenova, V. (2008). Frauenbiografien und Frauenerinnerungen an den Krieg [Women’s Biographies and Women’s Experiences of War]. In: A.von Plato, A.Leh, Ch. Thonfeld (Hg.) Hitlers Sklaven. Lebensgeschichtliche Analysen zur Zwangsarbeit im internationalen Vergleich. Wien, Köln, Weiwar: Böhlau. The English-language version of the chapter is available on-line at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1281444
Nikitina-den Besten, O. (2008). Cars, Dogs and Mean People: Environmental Fears and Dislikes of Children in Berlin and Paris. In: K.Adelhof, B.Glock, J.Lossau, M.Schultz (Eds.) Urban trends in Berlin and Amsterdam. Berliner Geographische Arbeiten, Heft 110. Berlin: Humboldt Universitaet, pp. 116–125. Available on-line at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1154559 Olwig, K.F. and Gulløv, E. (eds) (2003). Children’s Places: Cross Cultural Perspectives.
London: Routledge.
Postman, N. (1983). The Disappearance of Childhood. London: W.H. Allen.
Prigogine, I. (1980). From Being to Becoming. Freeman.
Prigogine, I. (1997). End of Certainty. The Free Press.
Prigogine, I. and Stengers, I. (1984). Order out of Chaos: Man’s new dialogue with nature. Flamingo.
Prout, A. (ed.) (2005). The Future of Childhood: Towards the Interdisciplinary Study of Children. London: Routledge Falmer.
Prout, A. and James, A. (eds) (1990). Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood. Basingstoke: Falmer Press.
Punch, S. (2002). ‘Research with Children: The Same or Different from Research with Adults?’
Childhood 9 (3), pp. 321–341.
Qvortrup, J. (2007) Editorial: A reminder. Childhood, 14, pp. 395–400.
Qvortrup, J. (ed.) (2005) Studies in Modern Childhood. Society, Agency, Culture. Palgrave Macmillan.
Scraton, P. (Ed.) (1997) ‘Childhood’ in ‘Crisis’? London: UCL Press.
Smith, R. (2000). Order and Disorder: The Contradictions of Childhood. Children and Society. Volume 14, 3–10.
Solomon, Y., Warin, J., Lewis, C. and Langford, W. (2002). Intimate Talk Between Parents and Their Teenage Children: Democratic Openness or Covert Control? In Sociology, Vol. 36 (4),
pp. 965–983.
Speier, M. (1976). The Adult Ideological Viewpoint in Studies of Childhood. In A.Skolnick (ed.): Rethinking Childhood. Perspectives on Development and Society. Boston-Toronto: Little, Brown & Co.
Spenser, Ch. And Blades, M. (2005). Children and their Environments: Learning, Using and Designing Spaces. Cambridge University Press.
Stainton-Rogers, R. and Stainton-Rogers, W. (1992). Stories of Childhood: Shifting Agendas of Child Concern. London: Harvester/Wheatsheaf.
Steinberg, S. and Kincheloe, J. (1997) (eds) Kinderculture: The Corporate Construction of Childhood, Boulder, CO: Westview.
Thorne, B. (1987). Re-visioning Women and Social Change: Where Are the Children? Gender and Society 1 (1), pp. 85–109.
Tsoukala, K. (2001). L’image de la ville chez l’infant [Child’s representations of the city]. Paris: Anthropos.
Tsoukala, K. (2007). Les territoires urbains de l’infant [Child’s urban territories]. Paris: L’Harmattan.
Valentine G. (1996). Angels and Devils: Moral Landscapes of Childhood. Environment and Planning, D: Society and Space, 14, pp. 581–99.
Valentine, G. and Holloway, S. (1999). Cyberkids: Children’s Social Networks, ‘Virtual Communities’ and On-line Spaces. Children 5–16 Research Briefing, 2 October 1999, pp.1–4.
Vanderbeck, R. (2008). Reaching Critical Mass? Theory, Politics, and the Culture of Debate in Children’s Geographies. Area, Vol. 40 No.3, pp. 393–400.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1962). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Ward, C. (1977). The Child in the City. Architectural Press.
Williams, S. and Williams, L. (2005). Space Invaders: The Negotiation of Teenage Boundaries through the Mobile Phone. The Sociological Review, 53 (2), pp. 314–321.
Winn, M. (1984). Children without Childhood, Harmondworth: Penguin.
Wooley, H. (2006). Freedom of the City: Contemporary Issues and Policy Influences on Children and Young People’s Use of Public Open Space in England. Children’s Geographies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 69–95, April 2006.
Zelizer, V.A. (1994). Pricing the Priceless Child: The Changing Social Value of Children. Princeton University Press.
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Никитина-ден БестенО. (2009). «Детство» в социальных науках: новые смыслы и новые подходы. Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация, 4(5), 7-39. извлечено от https://www.inter-fnisc.ru/index.php/inter/article/view/4403
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