Познавая в сравнении: о евро-стандартах, мужчинах и истории
Для цитирования
Ушакин С. А. Познавая в сравнении: о евро-стандартах, мужчинах и истории // Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация. 2004. Том 2. № 2-3. С. 97-106.
Рецензия на книгу: Barbara Evans Clements, Rebecca Friedman and Dan Healey, eds. Russian Masculinities in History and Culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 2002. - 242 p.
Ключевые слова:
социология маскулинности,
Саркисова О. Степень несвободы: в поисках утраченной субъективности // Ab Imperio. Теория и история национализма и империи в постсоветском пространстве. 2002. № 3. С. 593-606.
Спивак Г. Могут ли угнетённые говорить? // С. Жеребкин (ред.) Введение в гендерные исследова¬ния. Часть II. Хрестоматия. Харьков, 2001.
Ушакин С. «Человек рода он»: знаки отсутствия // С. Ушакин, сост. О муже(Ы)ственности. Сб. статей. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2002.
Ярская-Смирнова Е. Взгляды снаружи, взгляды изнутри. «Мать-Россия» в постсоветской антрополо¬гии // Ярская-Смирнова Е. Одежда для Адама и Евы. М., 2001. С.187-216.
Asad, T. (1986). The concept of cultural translation in British anthropology. In Clifford J., Marcus G. (Eds.) Writing cultures: The poetics and politics of ethnography. Berkeley.
Chakrabarty, D. (2000). Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial thought and historical difference. Princeton.
Clements, B. (2002). Introduction. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture, New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 11-15.
Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) (2002). Russian masculinities in history and culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd.
Friedman, R. (2002). From boys to men: Manhood in the Nicholaevian university. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 33-50.
Friedman, R., Healey, D. (2002). Conclusions. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 223-235.
Gilmore, J., Clements, B. (2002). ‘If you want to be like me, train!': the contradictions of Soviet masculinity.. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture, New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 210-221.
Healey, D. (2002). The disappearance of the Russian queen, or how the soviet closet was born. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 152-171.
Kelly, C. (2002). The education of the will: advice literature, zakal, and manliness in early twentieth- century Russia. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 131-151.
Mead, M. (1972). Male and female: a study of sexes in a changing world. New York.
Petrone, K. (2002). Masculinity and heroism in imperial and soviet military-patriotic cultures. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 172-193.
Schrand, T. (2002). Socialism in one gender: masculine values in Stalin revolution. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 194-209.
Scott, J. (1988). Gender and the politics of history. New York.
Smith, S.A. (2002). Masculinity in transition: peasant migrants to late-imperial St Petersburg.. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 94-112.
Todorova, M. (1997). Imagining the Balkans. New York.
Turbine E.G. On the relation of global and local in the circulation of social knowledge. SOTSIEMI, 8. URL:
Vainstein, O. (2002). Russian dandyism: constructing a man of fashion. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 51-75.
Worobec, C. (2002). Masculinity in late-imperial Russian peasant society. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture, New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 76-93.
Спивак Г. Могут ли угнетённые говорить? // С. Жеребкин (ред.) Введение в гендерные исследова¬ния. Часть II. Хрестоматия. Харьков, 2001.
Ушакин С. «Человек рода он»: знаки отсутствия // С. Ушакин, сост. О муже(Ы)ственности. Сб. статей. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2002.
Ярская-Смирнова Е. Взгляды снаружи, взгляды изнутри. «Мать-Россия» в постсоветской антрополо¬гии // Ярская-Смирнова Е. Одежда для Адама и Евы. М., 2001. С.187-216.
Asad, T. (1986). The concept of cultural translation in British anthropology. In Clifford J., Marcus G. (Eds.) Writing cultures: The poetics and politics of ethnography. Berkeley.
Chakrabarty, D. (2000). Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial thought and historical difference. Princeton.
Clements, B. (2002). Introduction. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture, New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 11-15.
Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) (2002). Russian masculinities in history and culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd.
Friedman, R. (2002). From boys to men: Manhood in the Nicholaevian university. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 33-50.
Friedman, R., Healey, D. (2002). Conclusions. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 223-235.
Gilmore, J., Clements, B. (2002). ‘If you want to be like me, train!': the contradictions of Soviet masculinity.. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture, New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 210-221.
Healey, D. (2002). The disappearance of the Russian queen, or how the soviet closet was born. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 152-171.
Kelly, C. (2002). The education of the will: advice literature, zakal, and manliness in early twentieth- century Russia. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 131-151.
Mead, M. (1972). Male and female: a study of sexes in a changing world. New York.
Petrone, K. (2002). Masculinity and heroism in imperial and soviet military-patriotic cultures. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 172-193.
Schrand, T. (2002). Socialism in one gender: masculine values in Stalin revolution. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture,. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 194-209.
Scott, J. (1988). Gender and the politics of history. New York.
Smith, S.A. (2002). Masculinity in transition: peasant migrants to late-imperial St Petersburg.. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 94-112.
Todorova, M. (1997). Imagining the Balkans. New York.
Turbine E.G. On the relation of global and local in the circulation of social knowledge. SOTSIEMI, 8. URL:
Vainstein, O. (2002). Russian dandyism: constructing a man of fashion. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture. New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 51-75.
Worobec, C. (2002). Masculinity in late-imperial Russian peasant society. In Clements, B.E., Friedman, R. and Healey, D. (Eds.) Russian masculinities in history and culture, New York: Palgrave Publisher Ltd., 76-93.
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Ушакин, С. А. (2004). Познавая в сравнении: о евро-стандартах, мужчинах и истории. Интеракция. Интервью. Интерпретация, 2(2-3), 97-106. извлечено от https://www.inter-fnisc.ru/index.php/inter/article/view/4446
Рецензии и обзоры